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Organic solvent in a sentence

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Sentence count:68Posted:2018-11-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: organicsorganicinorganicsolventorganicallyorganic lawresolventinsolvent
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1. Second, there is growing environmental pressure, particularly on organic solvents.
2. Similarly, the reference to reactions in organic solvents merited further discussion.
3. The organic solvent is absolute ethyl alcohol.
4. In addition, because of the bigger lipophilicity of organic solvent was used in LLE, more fat-soluble impurities were extracted, which lead to a complex purification process.
5. OBJECTIVE:To determine organic solvent residual volume in fusidic acid by headspace gas chromatography.
6. The effects caused by different addition quantities of organic solvent and different addition time on the cell growth and secondary metabolites production were studied.
7. Objective To determine organic solvent residual volume in felodipine raw material by headspace gas chromatography.
8. Compared to the conventional organic solvent extraction method,[Sentence dictionary] the subcritical water extraction method showed shorter handling time and lower solvent consumption without waste producing.
9. Methods Barbiturate drugs in blood were extracted with organic solvent and detected by LC-MS/MS with aspirin internal standard.
10. To treat tetramethyl ammonium chloride with H2SO4 in organic solvent, a precipitate is produced. A white crystallizing solid TMAHS is prepared after filtrating, washing and drying.
11. The stability mechanisms of thermophilic, alkalophilic, halophilic and organic solvent tolerant enzymes, their research status quo and application in wastewater treatment are introduced.
12. The organic solvent adopts methanol, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol, the thiolation agent adopts sodium hydrosulfide, sodium sulfide and thiourea.
13. The organic solvent (xylene) existed in the filtrate after adsorption filtration and the regeneration were also analyzed in detail.
14. PANI/ABS film was prepared by Solution blending in organic solvent system, in which PANI was fully dissolved in NMP by the addition of aroma reducing agent.
15. The nitric acid solution is then mixed with an organic solvent and the uranium and plutonium are separated from the waste products.
16. The Gyrovap can cope with 240 samples at a time and is appropriate for water as well as organic solvents.
17. Sodium cyclamate in Vitamin C effervescent tablets sample was extracted by organic solvent after derived(, and determined by gas-chromatography-mass spectrum with selected ion monitor(GC-MS/SIM).
18. Disclosed is a lithium ion capacitor comprising a positive electrode, a negative electrode, and an aprotic organic solvent solution of a lithium salt as an electrolyte solution.
19. A solution - solid headspace gas chromatography for the determination of residual organic solvent in alacepril was established.
20. The fractionation separation of fructose monopalmitate and fructose dipalmitate by extraction with mixed organic solvent were performed.
21. Washing after the test needs special care. Generally an organic solvent such as trichloroethylene or xylene is used.
22. The solubility of the prepared copolymer of the chloroethylene and the acrylonitrile in an organic solvent DMF reaches more than 20 percent.
23. A high-molecular-weight poly (phenyl sulfide) (HMWPPS) resin was prepared from sulfur and p-dichlorobenzene in polar organic solvent, with 6-amino-caproic acid and its sodium caproate as catalyst.
24. Its packaging liquor consists of perchlorinated olefin compound resin, organic solvent colloidal solutions of ketone, acetic ester and benzoic ester and dye.
25. Take the organic positive ion as the counter-ion, may change the heteropoly compound in organic solvent solubility, simultaneously enhances the catalyst catalyzed oxidation activeness.
26. Various aromatic diacids and various divinyl ether compounds are heated to react in organic solvent to obtain novel ester acetal polymers.
27. Results showed clearly that p-xylene had good biocompatibility as organic solvent in the two-phase system, its relative amount was 15%.
28. This paper reviews the recent progress of membrane materials and membrane-forming technologies in the pervaporation separation of organic solvent mixtures in the world.
29. The rapid solvent extractor ASE-200 was used to extract fluoroacetamide and tetramine in the poisoning sample. It simplified the analysis step, and reduced the contamination of organic solvent.
30. The extraction of lipophilic compounds in shrimp head by organic solvent was investigated in this paper.
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